Youth Ministry
Friday Night Lights. 4:00-6:00 pm
Group leader: Pastor Josh
Lighthouse is the Jr. High and High School ministry of our church. We gather at church with Pastor Josh for Friday Night Lights. It is a time to worship, pray, and be challenged to think seriously about what it means to truly follow Christ. We meet in the Upstairs Chapel. Contact us for details.
Our students grow by…
1. Knowing God
2. Owning the Faith
3. Making it Known
I need to grow by…
+ Making Jesus In charge of my life
- I need to be born again through Jesus Christ. (verse)
- I need to be baptized. (verse + SIGN ME UP!)
- I need to be sure of my Salvation and learn my Salvation story. (verse)
- I need my desires to be second, and Christ’s are first. (verse)
- I need to believe that God is three in one (the Trinity) and he is the only way. (verse)
- I need to seek God’s will in daily decisions. (verse)
- I need to resist temptation in the power of Christ. (verse)
+ Strengthening my relationship with God
- I need to pray daily. (verse)
- I need to develop the habit of daily Bible reading, meditation, and Scripture memory. (verse)
- I need to develop a lifestyle of worship. (verse)
- I need to learn and use my spiritual gifts. (verses)
- I need to manage the resources God has given me. (verse)
- I need to live consistently by faith in God. (verse)
+ Having actions that are more Christlike
- I need to honor God by being Holy. (verse)
- I need to display the Fruit of the Spirit. (verse)
- I need to live with honesty, integrity, and purity. (verse)
- I need to strive for excellence in all aspects of life. (verse)
- I need to develop a self-image based on who I am in Christ. (verses)
- I need to develop the heart of a servant. (verse)
+ Making decisions that are more Christlike
- I need to have the Bible be the ONLY guide for my life (verse)
- I need to apply the Bible’s ways to daily decisions. (verse)
- I need to assume responsibility for my decisions. (verse)
- I need to recognize true teaching from false teaching. (verse)
- I need to learn how to possess and articulate a biblical worldview. (verse)
- I need to recognize and avoid negative peer pressure. (verse)
+ Having Godly relationships with others
- I need to submit to proper authority. (verse)
- I need to encourage and minister to fellow believers of all ages. (verse)
- I need to grow relationships with non-Christians. (verse)
- I need to love my family and act responsibly (verse)
- I need to strengthen and encourage my friends. (verse)
- I need to deal with conflict in a Christlike manner. (verse)
+ Making a Godly impact on others
- I need to actively participate in the local church. (verse)
- I need to lead someone to faith in Christ. (verse)
- I need to participate in mission and ministry projects. (verse)
- I need to confront sinful culture with the love of Christ. (verse)
- I need to be able to defend my faith and beliefs. (verse)
- I need to use my abilities and talents to point to Christ and evangelize (verse)